Magnetic Fingers
In an attempt to gain a sixth sense for the electromagnetic fields around me but without resorting to Steve Haworth-like implants I decided to experiment with small (2mm x 1mm) N45 Neodymium magnets and nail polish.

After playing around with various numbers of magnets and formations I came to the conclusion that it was best to have a few lining the edges of my nails. That way I could feel the magnets move against skin (which would be more sensitive than the nail area) while the magnets could be firmly attached to the nails. I also found that trying to place as many magnets as possible on a nail had the problem of them pulling together and detaching due to the nail surface being curved, as well as having the undesired effect of being shiny and eye catching.

The end result was slightly reminiscent of the website Human Upgrades. Sadly though I can’t feel the oscillations as described with the implant equivalents but I can feel the presence of magnets nearby such as near the speakers or the lid of my laptop. The sensation is similar to someone tugging at your nail (obviously) but also feels a bit like when the hairs on your arm stand on end. A future attempt will probably involve slightly larger magnets and perhaps attaching the magnets to the fingertip rather than nail.